Thursday, February 14, 2008

Terms of

I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was Valentine's Day...198X.
I've never experienced anything like it before or after.

A one of a kind day.

My own little 'day of infamy'.

I was in college, at the ZTA house...minding my own business...when the doorbell rang. I was coming up from the basement to go to my room upstairs and as I reached the first floor, I saw about 1500 girls go running for the front door. It was an astounding sight. Like the Running of the Bulls in Spain. I was exhilerated and terribly frightened, all at the same time...

Okay. I might be exaggerating a little. If my memory serves me correctly. There were oh....3 girls. All in relationships. Serious relationships. All EXPECTING to open the door and find that their "Special Guy" had sent the florist with those wing-ed shoes to the ZTA House...with their gift.

The door was opened. It was the florist. With flowers.

As expected.

Not as expected. You see, I was not in a serious relationship. I didn't have a boyfriend at all! THERE MUST BE SOME MISTAKE!

I slowly walked past the gals...and couldn't meet their gaze. I took the vase and went quickly up the stairs. The flowers were lovely. They were from my mom. How sweet. And nice.

A short time later, I heard the doorbell again. And I heard the thundering hooves of girls go to the door...and once again, to my astonishment, they called my name over the intercom.

I was confused. Well, I'd already gotten flowers from Mom. Maybe these were from Dad. Great. The girls will kick me out of the house over this! I just know it!

I took my time getting to the door.
In fact, the delivery person was gone. One of the girls, Beth...was engaged. We'd had a candle ceremony a short time ago for her. She had a lovely ring. And she's the one that handed me the vase. Well, I guess that's not entirely true. I wrestled the vase out of her hands.

"Who's it from?" she asked. "I mean, who's sending you flowers? Why you?" She sounded really annoyed.

"I....I don't know." I opened the card. It was from a guy friend in my hometown. "It's from Bob." I said. "Wow."

"Did you know he was sending flowers?" she asked. As if that made it different. Like I'd paid him off or something...
"No." and I bounded back up the stairs.

Okay...maybe I'm exaggerating. I don't know that I've ever actually 'bounded' up stairs. But it sure looks good on epaper, folks!! :)

It was when the doorbell rang again...and I heard my name called again...that I knew I was in trouble. There was no way I was going downstairs to face the wrath of Beth. No. Way.

They called my name again.

"You gotta go down there, " I heard this voice in my head. "DON'T!" another voice in my head yelled. "They'll murder you!"

It was Dead Carrie Walking...I've never taken such a long walk in my life.

"What is going on?" Beth asked. She was really annoyed. "I haven't gotten flowers yet and you've got what? Three Deliveries? AND YOU'RE NOT DATING ANYONE???"

It baffled her. It baffled me, quite frankly. It was like some cruel joke. The way that Valentine's is SUPPOSED to that those 'select' folks in serious relationships are 'supposed' to get the flower deliveries...I guess. I was becoming some freak of nature that could show up on "That's Incredible" or "Ripley's Believe it or Not"...

I took the flowers and ran.

No exaggeration. I ran. I ran as if my life depended on it. Because I think it did!

These flowers were also from my hometown.
From a guy who liked me...whom I dated later.

I like to call that particular Valentine's my own little massacre. Because they felt 'entitled' to flowers and that I did not have that 'entitlement'...I was their enemy that day. Now, the next day, we were all buddies again. And yes, Beth's fiance' did come through for her.

Couple of thoughts: Do you ever feel 'entitled' to anything? How do you handle it when someone else gets what you believe you're entitled to?

What about when something that's good and unexpected happens? Do you celebrate?

You know, that day reminds me of another day. A different Valentine's Day, if you will.
When I told This Guy that I loved Him and that Someone gave me His Life. And Grace.
That day I also received something I didn't deserve...

My friends...I love you. He loves you.
Happy Valentine's Day.


Christy said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

I've been anointed Valentine Fairy & you've been Valentined!

PS: Which Beth?

heiniger said...

Hey, best post yet. Great story, great conclusion. Happy Valentines day two days late.