Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Accidents Happen

Last night at supper, as plates were being filled 'buffet-style'...a plate of precariously placed, piping hot food promptly...(whew! that was hard to type, let alone say aloud!) fell to the floor.

It happens.

Almost immediately someone was upset...but no one was hurt...and the dogs got some 'free' cottage cheese and corn...which they appreciated. No foul...and thankfully...the meatloaf was fine. (Hey...we eat GOOD meatloaf at our house! It's in HIGH Demand!)

Had to reassure someone that it was just an big deal. But they were so upset with themselves. "I am so stupid!" was spoken.

It's got me thinking this morning. About our mistakes...our accidents.

Why is it that we give ourselves such a hard time? Do we really think that we have it so together that we believe we'll never do anything wrong?

When I was about 14, I had a serious crush on a lifeguard. We'll call
There was an alley that went right past the you could ride your bike and see the lifeguard of your know, if you had one...hypothetically speaking...(snort!)called Robbie.

One evening my family decided to ride our bikes. And we rode them past the pool. And, in the gravel of that alley...while a certain lifeguard was on duty in the chair between the 3 foot and 5 foot...I may have been distracted (well, who could blame me??) and I ... fell. Off. The. Bike. mom was quick to yell, "Are you okay?" to know, because she cared...which prompted said Lifeguard (sigh...Robbie) to look my way. At the most inopportune moment.

My friends, I have never moved so fast as I did right then! "I'm okay!" I called...even though my palms looked kinda like...well, cottage cheese...funnily enough!
"Look at me!" I thought, "I am so stupid! I can't even ride this dumb bike right! What must Robbie think? I wish I could just be invisible!"

Ah...good times....good times....

You know what? You will make mistakes. You will fall off of your bike in front of your favorite lifeguard. may not be today....but it will happen.

Couple of things I'd like you to remember:
1) Get back on the bike. I didn't stop riding because of one fall.
2) Ask forgiveness. Even if you just ask yourself to forgive yourself for falling.
3) You are not alone. There are plenty of other folks out there who have fallen off a bike. Which is good, because they can support you. They've been there.

Now...who's up for a bike ride? Or some meatloaf? Anyone? Anyone?

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