Monday, April 14, 2008


As I sat down this morning to consider what to write about...I glanced at my water glass.

It's one of those $26,238 ones that you know, you get from the hospital when you've been a patient there. My Mom got it last year and I like it because it's numbered (like a measuring cup) with ounces and metric something or other than means pretty much nothing to me...but lots to those hospital folks.

I like seeing how much I've got in my glass. It's a 32 ounce cup and right at the moment that I glanced at it...the water line was at 16 ounces.

Yep. Exactly halfway.


Like's 'just right'. Not too much. Not too little. Balanced. Even.

How often does that happen??

Like never!

At least, it seems that way to me sometimes. I don't know about you, but I get tired of fighting the constant battle of ENOUGH.

"I haven't got enough time to clean my room!"

"I've had just about enough of that backtalk from you, young man!"

"There isn't enough flour to make the banana bread. I'll have to get more."

"There's more than enough banana bread! Please! Take some with you!"

"Is there enough gas in the Jeep to get to town?"

"I've spent enough money on gas for the Jeep this past week!"

"My swimsuit from last year isn't big enough for me now."

"Have I got enough days to diet before summer starts so I can fit into that swimsuit?"

I think you get the picture.

Too much. Too little.

We are so interesting. We want more than we need. On the other hand, we'll fall short and not have an adequate amount of something...whether it's money...or time...or flour for banana bread.

We are not easily satisfied. Sigh...

It's hard to deal with enough sometimes. We want so desperately to have more than we already have...and then again...perhaps we've dealt with something for so long that we are more than ready to get rid of it. It's too much. Like five loaves of banana bread. If I eat another bite...I'll explode! I can't take anymore.

I've. had. enough.

Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we were all marked like my water glass? It would be easier to deal with each other, wouldn't it?

"Oh...look. She's at 24 ounces right now. She can handle a little more."

" she running way over 32 ounces?? Maybe I shouldn't bother her right now. Looks like she's got enough to deal with."



There's Someone who knows all about enough. And guess what? His grace is exactly that...

1 comment:

heiniger said...

: ) Reminds me on the song 'all of you, is more than enough for...'