Thursday, January 31, 2008

Through New Eyes

My mom is having cataract surgery on Monday. Her eyesight is really bad right now. Blurry vision, unable to read things on her computer screen easily, scary driving....okay, she was actually a scary driver with GOOD vision...but that's another story...

Let's talk about me for a second though. I woke up this morning, got some coffee, got the kids off and running, turned on the tv in the bedroom to catch some news and looked hard at my bed. In a split second I decided that today would be a good day to just stay in bed. I mean, let's face it...I wasn't feeling that great in the first place (blame the daughter for that!) what would be the harm, right? In I go, leaping onto the mattress and kicking off a dog and pulling the covers over my head...I seriously consider the option. Allow myself a moment to visualize what that might look, I'll move over. Join me, won't you?

Ah...toasty. Cozy. Close your eyes for a second. C'mon...we're in this together. You know you've had the same thought at some point. Blah day...blah meetings...blah, blah. Just stay in bed all day...

Now, remember...earlier I'd turned on the tv in my bedroom for the news. Which, (because it's the news) is pretty easy for me to tune out because it's mostly about Britney Spears or something even more lame...(if you can believe that). There's Britney. There's the weather. Then they break for a commercial. It's for Campbell Soup...."mm...mmm...mmm....possibilities".

Hm. Hm.

Hm. Hm. Good.

You know what? I can't stay in the bed all day! WE can't stay in bed all day! There are possibilities for this day that we have been (so graciously!) given! While there is indeed, a time to rest yourself and there are those moments of 'sheer laziness' when you can (and should!) kick back and relax...there is also the consideration of the time that you have been given.

I'm in the process of de-cluttering my home. My living room mantle has been bare since I took the Christmas decorations down, because I want to put 'something different' on I've been waiting for inspiration, I guess.

As I ease the blanket off my head, I can see the mantle from my bedroom. Do you see it? Maybe today is the day. Maybe today is the day that I finally put something on it. But what? Ah...the possibilities are endless...but my purse is empty. However, those decorating shows tell you that 'simply moving items from one room to another can make the whole room feel different'.

So...if I look at the items I own...maybe I'll be able to decorate that mantle.

You know what? I need to see through new eyes!

You know what? When I have an epiphany, I have a tendency to repeat myself. know what? So often we get tunnel vision. We can get stuck in a rut, doing the same stuff day...after day...after day. And at some point, in our discouragement, we may find ourselves wanting to just stay in bed.

BUT...if we take a second to consider the possibilities of that day...we just might be pleasantly surprised by how great our mantle looks!

I encourage you, my Seize the Day...and make a pleasant possibility become a wonderful reality. And hey, would you help me make this bed?! Thanks!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What's a whelm?

Okay, so I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now. Which is pretty silly to write if you start thinking about the word 'overwhelmed' in the first place. Just what exactly is a 'whelm' and what goes over it??

Well, lucky readers, thanks to found out. Whelm is to be 'covered over by water'. To be overwhelmed to be OVER covered by water. Which fascinates me. I mean, you can only be covered by so much water, right?

Got me to thinking about water. I love being in the water. I love baths, swimming pools, hot tubs...I'm one of those folks that thinks jumping into an icy lake in January actually doesn't sound too bad. Some claim my love of H2O has to do with my astrological sign...but horoscopes, I've found, don't hold much water for me. (snort!) (I know...I'm apologizing right now for even using that phrase. Just try to stay with me for a second, alright?)

Too much water can be dangerous. It can hurt. Too little water is just as how do you keep water balanced so it's safe?

The answer? Oh, you don't. But the good news is that there is Someone who knows a lot about water. And what I've found out is that if I keep my eyes on Him...the water level lowers a bit.

Are you finding yourself looking all over the ocean at too many things and suddenly feeling like you're sinking? I encourage you to friend...keep your eyes on the LIFEguard.

He wants to save us from drowning out there...we just have to grab His hand and hang on tight!

I think I'll go jump in the shower now. And get myself a drink. All this water talk has made me thirsty!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Use some sense...

I mentioned yesterday that my daughter is ill. In an attempt to ease her coughing, I went ahead and got out the VICKS. Vicks Vaporub. I'll bet there's something you didn't know about Vicks. Sure, it helps congestion. But did you know that it's also a Time Machine?

As I slowly unscrewed the lid off and brought the jar up to my nose, I thought for a moment, "No...I'm not going to do it!" And then I did. I inhaled deeply. And suddenly I found myself transported back in time to my grandma Sybil's home. Yep...there I was...sitting on her bed, listening to her tell me the racoon story for the umpteenth's a hysterical story about my father's childhood...and a racoon that gets stuck in a trashcan while they're on vacation...and the hilarity that ensued was always good. I never got tired of that story. And I never got tired of my grandma...who used Vicks for everything...I swear.

It's funny though...isn't powerful SMELL is with our memory. Actually, I guess all of our senses can trigger memories...but for me, I'd have to say that scent is the best time machine.

I had a boyfriend once who wore Old Spice. The breakup was bad. Very unfriendly. And I tell you, to this DAY...I cannot STAND the smell of Old Spice. I don't care WHO'S wearing it (and Sean, if you're reading...NEVER put on Old Spice...please, I BEG YOU!)'s forbidden in our house.
Along those same lines, however...I had another boyfriend who would use Mennen Speed Stick Deodorant. And that breakup was not bad. We parted friends. And to this day, I swear the ugliest guy ever could slather himself in Mennen Speed Stick and I would be
smitten. All because of the memory I associate with the smell...

So my question to you today, is this: How are you smelling? Will someone associate your scent today with a fond memory....or one that stinks of Old Spice? I encourage you to try and use all of the senses (touch, sight, sound, smell, taste) to make a fond memory for someone. Reach out and touch them. Tell them you love them. Bake them cookies...take them flowers. I guarantee that you will make a memory with someone today. Just try not to let it smell like Old Spice...please!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Coffee, Cold Feet, and Comfort

My daughter's home sick today. My kids don't get sick often...but when they do...whew! Look out! There's some serious sickness goin' on. Not my favorite part of parenting, (you know, I prefer embarrassing them in front of their friends!)but a very necessary one. She's sleeping soundly right now. I could sit and watch my kids sleep for days...but I got things to let's go!

I poured myself some coffee, added WAY too much creamer to it...and sat down here at the computer. Sockless. After being here for about 30 minutes, I've realized that I can NO LONGER feel my feet! It's like I've climbed Everest or something! My gosh, how come the floor is so bloomin' COLD!!?? Gotta find some slippers or a warm dog belly or some forest fire or something...or this will be a very short entry...just a sec...stay right there...I'll be right back!

Okay. Here I am. Back. Refilled my cup and put on my husband's insulated hunting socks. He doesn't hunt, mind you...(altho he loves tearing into some venison!) but he is outside a lot, so he's got these in his sock drawer. Ahhhh....much better. Much warmer. Mmmmmm. Comfort.

You know...I procrastinate. Sometimes, I'll put things off until they become painful or uncomfortable. Like my cold feet. Or hard conversations. Or washing the dogs. Have you been putting something off?

It only took me a few seconds to find comfort. Take my advice. Don't procrastinate today. Do one hard thing and do it now! Put on your socks and feel the warmth!

One more cup o' joe and then I'm going to tackle the kitchen floor. Ugh. Not my favorite thing...but one that I've been shying away from. Wish me luck!