Let's talk about me for a second though. I woke up this morning, got some coffee, got the kids off and running, turned on the tv in the bedroom to catch some news and looked hard at my bed. In a split second I decided that today would be a good day to just stay in bed. I mean, let's face it...I wasn't feeling that great in the first place (blame the daughter for that!)...so what would be the harm, right? In I go, leaping onto the mattress and kicking off a dog and pulling the covers over my head...I seriously consider the option. Allow myself a moment to visualize what that might look like....here, I'll move over. Join me, won't you?
Ah...toasty. Cozy. Close your eyes for a second. C'mon...we're in this together. You know you've had the same thought at some point. Blah day...blah meetings...blah, blah. Just stay in bed all day...
Now, remember...earlier I'd turned on the tv in my bedroom for the news. Which, (because it's the news) is pretty easy for me to tune out because it's mostly about Britney Spears or something even more lame...(if you can believe that). There's Britney. There's the weather. Then they break for a commercial. It's for Campbell Soup...."mm...mmm...mmm....possibilities".
Hm. Hm.
Hm. Hm. Good.
You know what? I can't stay in the bed all day! WE can't stay in bed all day! There are possibilities for this day that we have been (so graciously!) given! While there is indeed, a time to rest yourself and there are those moments of 'sheer laziness' when you can (and should!) kick back and relax...there is also the consideration of the time that you have been given.
I'm in the process of de-cluttering my home. My living room mantle has been bare since I took the Christmas decorations down, because I want to put 'something different' on it...so I've been waiting for inspiration, I guess.
As I ease the blanket off my head, I can see the mantle from my bedroom. Do you see it? Maybe today is the day. Maybe today is the day that I finally put something on it. But what? Ah...the possibilities are endless...but my purse is empty. However, those decorating shows tell you that 'simply moving items from one room to another can make the whole room feel different'.
So...if I look at the items I own...maybe I'll be able to decorate that mantle.
You know what? I need to see through new eyes!
You know what? When I have an epiphany, I have a tendency to repeat myself.
Ah....you know what? So often we get tunnel vision. We can get stuck in a rut, doing the same stuff day...after day...after day. And at some point, in our discouragement, we may find ourselves wanting to just stay in bed.
BUT...if we take a second to consider the possibilities of that day...we just might be pleasantly surprised by how great our mantle looks!
I encourage you, my friend...to Seize the Day...and make a pleasant possibility become a wonderful reality. And hey, would you help me make this bed?! Thanks!