Thursday, July 10, 2008

Clean up, Clean up...everybody do your share!

Sometimes I'm amazed by all the useless information I carry around in my head.

Sure, it's helpful in a trivia contest once in a while...but it makes me wonder what I could be putting in my head that might be more useful. More helpful...or healthy, maybe?

As I've been going through my home getting rid of stuff that really has no place or use's got me to thinking about my mind and what's cluttering it up right now. I've got fifteen minutes. Let's de-clutter, you and I. Okay? we are at the doorway to my's a mess...where do we begin?

Ah...okay...if you'll step over that pile of 'never gonna happen' worries I've got...and follow me past that towering stack of 'times I've been right about something' reminders...oh! And watch your step there! That's a slippery mess of 'mistakes I can't seem to forgive myself for'. You slip into that and you'll be down for a few days, trust me!

Here's a garbage bag. Just toss them in there. Thanks.

What else can we get rid of? Oh...I know...there's this big ol' twelve volume set of Foolish Fantasies o' mine. I was gonna try and sell it on Ebay, you know....but I never got around to it.

Speaking of's a poster. What's it say? "Procrastination-Do it NOW!" I don't really want that can toss it.

Wait...what's this? A tiny, little locket?

Huh...I haven't seen this locket in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng time. Look how dusty it is.

What? What's in it?

Oh...just some things I'm grateful for. Nothing huge.

Sell it on Ebay? NO WAY! This is important to me. I don't want to part with it!

So why was it buried under those other things, if it's so important?

Hm....good question. You know what? Let's um....let's finish up this sinkful of algebraic symbols and go tackle the clutter in your MIND!

Argue all you want with me, friends...I've rarely used those!!! :)

1 comment:

DMc said...

What could be more useful than information that you need for a trivia contest? Hmmmm?
