Friday, October 10, 2008


It's been noisy at my house lately. (my lil buddy!) says that "noisy" is defined as: Making a noise, esp. a loud sound; clamorous; vociferousem>emturbulent; boisterous; as, the noisy crowd.

Hm. Vociferous, by the my "word for the day"...and I will try to use it at least twice (most likely using it incorrectly! Just because I like the sound of the word!). Vociferous means: conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry

Offensively loud. Yeah....I think vociferous describes my situation to a tee.

Here's the deal though. My house isn't noisy in the "neighbors are gonna call the cops" kind of way. It's more of an internal thing.

In fact, I've been considering Feng Shui as a way to 'fix the problem'. (again!) tells me that Feng Shui is: the Chinese art or practice of creating harmonious surroundings that enhance the balance of yin and yang, as in arranging furniture or determining the siting of a house.

I think "yin" and "yang" might be "Hannah" and "Jacob" in Chinese. Or maybe "Shut" and "Up"...or perhaps it means "gin" and "tonic". I'm not quite sure...

I do, however, wonder if it would really work. If I moved my couch over three inches and placed a red pillow in the room somewhere...if my yin and yang would be balanced.

It's a good question. I'm sure that there are some of you out there right now saying, 'FENG SHUI ROCKS! IT REALLY WORKS! DO IT, C.! DO IT!' (You'll see a difference in three days...if not fully satisfied, simply return the pillow to its orignal position and stop making fun of Feng Shui in an infomercial sort of way!)

I don't know that moving my couch will stop the noisiness inside of me.

The Serenity Prayer says: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Hm...serenity is defined (thanks again,!!!) as:

1. a disposition free from stress or emotion [syn: repose]
2. the absence of mental stress or anxiety
calm, or tranquil(Free from commotion or disturbance)

Okay. Serenity sounds like what I need in my house. Perhaps I can set it next to the couch??

The prayer goes on to say "wisdom to know the difference"...and I think I've got some of that wisdom today.

I'd love to share it with you. Ready? Okay!

(I did NOT just sound like a cheerleader then, did I? Cuz that'!)

Okay..."courage to change the THINGS I can"


THINGS (like couches)


not people.

Oh boy. That's insightful. Part of my noisiness has a lot to do with wanting people to change.

I'm soberly considering the fact that Feng Shui has got the right idea...

I can move my couch....I cannot move Brad...or Sharon...or Phil...or whatever Romper Room name you want to insert here...the fact is...that we do have some control over things...but not people.

And here's the other part: we don't really have that much control over things!!!

Oh...I guess we can move our couches...and the balance in our living room might shift...but the Serenity Prayer goes on to say this:

Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

Um...not 'moving couches' is the 'pathway to peace'??

Acceptance is.


Listen, I've got to run....I just want you to consider today the idea of "acceptance" vs. "noisiness"...

Hey! How'd this pillow get here!!??


I am Harriet said...

I enjoyed reading.
I've added you to my blogroll.

heiniger said...

Interesting... I wonder if it goes back to trying to control what you can when other areas of life are out of control. If we have some control does it help, maybe?